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July 26, 2004



Sorry to be a bit of a doofus - but where are the speeches being broadcast here?


I think you can pretty much guarantee they will be on BBC1 - doesn't it switch over to News 24 after midnight or so? I can't imagine there would be much else pressing on that they would rather be showing...


So it's all tapeable then. Problem solved, right? Or is it like World Cup football, when it has to have the live-as-it-happens element?

Just watching the Newsnight coverage now. I am so grateful to be in the hands of Kirsty Wark and the BBC (and the lovely folks at Channel 4 News) - watching this back home must be excruciating.

Tom Carver's interviewing Jerry Springer as he campaigns for Kerry in Chicago - gotta go.


Is this a satire web site? If so, it's pretty brilliant. Keep it up!

Who is this "El Egipcio" fellow with all the unusual and not-so-flattering opinions about Spain and 14-M? Maybe you can elaborate. What implications? None? I see.


Is this a satire web site? If so, it's pretty brilliant. Keep it up!

Who is this "El Egipcio" fellow with all the unusual and not-so-flattering opinions about Spain and 14-M? Maybe you can elaborate. What implications? None? I see.


Having watched the DNC Convention I have to admit
I was really impressed with Clinton's speech and
for a moment experienced a bit of nostalgia...

I especially liked his statement "Strength and wisdom are not opposing values."; very thought provoking. He brought up many points to ponder and think about and whether Kerry will do better.

I for one don't want to listen to a lot of Bush Bashing nor do I wish to hear a lot of Kerry Bashing. I do, however, want to hear what makes either one of them believe they are one to vote for. What are their solutions to the problems facing us. How do they propose to fix that which is broken? That's what is important. Not whether Bush is a liar or Kerry's a liar that's
BS and nothing more than a lot of mindless chatter.

Hillary I could do without and won't say anymore about an unmemorable speech.

As for Gore, I'm becoming rather tired of hearing about his constant references to his loss in 2000.
It's beginning to sound like a broken record player and becoming rather tedious having to listen to his repetitious banter.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Kerry and Edwards have to say....


Last night's speeches: www.cspan.org.


Last night's speeches: www.cspan.org.


Josh Marshall has an interesting bit on this directive from the DNC on not Bush-Bashing too much, and the response from Michael Moore:


About the only thing I would agree with Michael Moore on was the statement he made about the news media during his interview with Ronnie Reagan.

Michael Moore is absolutely correct on that regards. The news media whether left wing or right wing have become nothing more than cheer leaders for their respective parties and completely fail to ask the tough questions.

The news media has the resources, the insider avenues, and the opportunities to ask of those in power to ask the really tough questions. They
have an obligation to ask those questions that We, the people, don't have the opportunity to ask.

Those on the news media should remove those who have a Liberal agenda and those who have a Right wing agenda from their midst and put only those who are impartial or unbiased in their opinions or
and are ready and willing to ask the tough questions.

As Michael Moore stated the news media has failed us, the people; there I am in complete agreement.


we all have whined and complained non-stop on this website about the negative perceptions people have of us since dumbass took office, how people do nothing but criticize and judge Americans as soon as they can and so on. I have generally avoided all political discussion in the past year, but got suckered into one over dinner recently.

I have noticed it before and I continue to notice it over and over again: America gets blamed for everything and gets credit for nothing. Even when Americans oppose something which our government does, we get talked to like we are the foremost proponents of it. There is something about sweeping generalizations that people overseas make about Americans - I´d find it almost amusing if it wasn´t so damn constant! Of course, ask someone from overseas to say something positive about America or negative about their own homecountry, they usually fail to do it! Even if they can list 100 things wrong with America, you can tell they have never spent one second thinking about themselves, they are struggling to think of something. When trying to say something positive about the US, they usually, without even notice it, change course halfway through and start ranting off again. The irony is that both sides of the Atlantic refer to each other as arrogant.

Living overseas has been such an educational experience - not only did I get insight into how we are perceived, but now I have better informed insight into other people. Those were the main goals I had sought out when I decided to live overseas and, I believe, I am satisfied that I achieved them. Even if it is frustrating some times. As my expat stint ends after 2 years away, I believe I have gained much knowledge about the world in general. While ignorant Americans and Europeans go on unfairly bashing each other, I think I have become the better person for it.



So does that mean you've come to the realization that in reality both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean ignorantly bash each other unfairly?

Sure we have made mistakes, no doubt about that, but, we've also done grand things and will continue to make mistakes and do grand things.


realization? I had come on that realization a long time ago, though I don't say much cause I think currently (and in the past) our actions trump whatever trite complaints we have of European attitudes. Given the two, I expend energy at the more serious one.
I will say this, arrogant as it may sound: a lot of people in Europe and America have tunnel-vision and see the world only as they want to see it. They don't realize that not everything is as black and white as they want it to be.


After 20 years in the UK, I agree, it is very tiresome hearing the sweeping generalisations about Americans. People just don't realise how big and diverse a country it is, and are swayed by stereotypes on TV & film. However, over the years things have changed - more and more Brits & Europeans have actually visited the States and form opinions worth discussing. These people almost always have something good to say about the USA (usually the "can do" attitude of Americans, and the feeling of space)and a more balanced viewpoint.

I do have to disagree on one thing - here in the UK people are more than willing to criticise themselves and their own country (the class system, its colonial history, etc.) The ability to self-deprecate is kind of a rite of passage. If I show that I can gently take the piss out of my country, that I'm not blindly gung-ho, they're more willing to listen to what IS good about it.

But JJ, I do commiserate. It kind of depends on who you meet - this has just been my experience and I've learned not to generalize about Brits & Europeans!


BTW, I watched Wes Clark's speech on C-Span this morning. Stirring stuff!

Will catch up with Kerry's speech over the weekend.



Arrogant? Don't be silly, I would not call that being arrogant. Sounds more like an observation and opinion from what you've seen, heard, and experienced.

I have to agree with some of what you say, we do and that does apply to both sides of the oceans suffer from what seems like tunnel vision. It could also be a vision formed from what the media has represented to people on both sides of the ocean. When I lived overseas I had a vision or idea of what I thought that side of the world would be like and how the people should be based upon what I had seen on TV or read in magazines; most of it not true. Wasn't I surprised when everything I thought it would be turned out to be completely different. A difference, I'm happy to say, was both exciting, thrilling, and most enjoyable. The people, the lands, the history, the reality was altogether incredible as opposed to what I had expected and thank God for that.

My travels and living overseas were back in 79 - 82. I would have to agree with much that Miriam said, it does depend upon with whom
you talk. During my stay in Israel I met both Israelis and Palestinians. The Israeli's wanted peace and the Palestinian's wanted peace. On the Palestinian side I believe they just wanted to be heard, the opportunity to speak for themselves and be listened to. I think if you look at the history of that whole thing a whole lot has been done and the Palestinian people have really had nothing nor anyone to really speak for them nor their hopes and dreams and it still seems to be that way. The terrorists are speaking but aren't really, at least from my perspective, speaking for the Palestinians.

Many Europeans I met in Israel spoke highly of the US but, did have some disagreement with us
regarding the support for Israel and the continuing problem with the Palestinian people. Other than that disagreement it wasn't the hatred that seems so prevalent these days.

That could be attributed to Bush, as some say or want to believe, or it could be attributed to some other underlying reason and he's just "the straw that broke the camel's back".

For me I envy all of you who have had and continute to have the opportunity to live and travel overseas. I would do it again in a heartbeat if the opportunity appeared.


I do understand that there are, and always, will be differences between Europe and America. I caught those as well during my travels abroad in years past, but more recently, they have become much more personal. Righfully or wrongfully, it's not a fun environment to be in. But I suppose it works both ways. How often do you see or hear knee-jerk anti-Europe remarks in the US? My girlfriend is moving to California with me in September, and I hope people will refrain from making moronic comments about her background. Last thing I want is for the nation of immigrants to judge her on her heritage.

Interesting about what you say about the Palestinians and Israelis. I think that nothing causes more hatred and anger in the muslim world toward us than the occupation (well, so does Iraq now.) I get the feeling that most on both sides just want to be left alone, just want peace and move on with their lives without the other. Not so easy when you have such powerful factions that hijack policy on both sides.

For all their faults, it's still kind of sad to watch the Palestinians. They get occupied for 40 years so that Israel can "defend" itself against terrorists - does that make sense to anyone? - and, to top it off, they get crapped on by their own "leadership" that couldn't care less about them. In my opinion, they ought to build that wall and make it even higher for all I care, just keep it on the Green Line and not in Palestine. If Arafat won't make sincere efforts at peace, then disengagement is the way to go. Afterwards, I think a Palestinian civil war will brake out, with all those groups vying for power. Palestine would have benefited tremendously from a peace settlement such as Oslo, but they did their equal share of pissing all over the peace.

Then again, disengagement is not so easy as I make it sound. Did you see all the people who protested in Israel recently? In my opinion, those people are the root cause of the problem, the one's that stubbornly insist on a "greater Israel."

How does this pertain to us and Europe? Well, we continue to support Sharon's ultra-aggressive policies, giving him a blank check on everything he does. And Europe, for all it's whining about our policies, has yet to do anything in terms of actions. They have more leverage than they think. 70% of Israel's trade goes to Europe, yet we get hammered for our support for the occupation! If Europe really wants to do something about it, then they should cut off trade with Israel and the billions in aid they give every year to Palestine. Once Israel's economy goes to shit and the Palestinians can no longer feed themselves, then you'll see progress. Call it tough love, but nothing else is working.

One last note, it is in Israel's best self-interest not to cordon off the Gaza and keep it from trading with other nations. If the Gaza population can trade and create some jobs, then that will go a long way from keeping people falling into the hands of Hamas and the like, and consequently, fewer will blame Israel for their problems. Will that happen?


Will Ferrel for president




How true, how very true. It's the clown's on both sides; the Zionists on the one side and the
do nothing's like Aarafat and the PLA who are causing much of the problems. I agree with you
that the people, just the people on both sides just want to live in peace and if the so-called politicians on both sides would get out of the way there could be a real peace.

A Palestinian civil war? My sentiments as well. From what I've been reading it seems there are a lot of power hungry groups vying for position at the expense of the people they proclaim to be fighting for. Aarafat, well he's just gathering up wealth and not doing much, if anything, at all.
Interesting enough the Palestinian people are beginning to see through the charade and getting wise to the whole thing. Maybe that will turn out to be a real God send for them and once he and
his cronies are out of the way they can really begin to work towards a lasting peace.

Interesting proposal having the Europeans start doing something instead of complaining. I like it. I would add that it wouldn't hurt if both the European community and the US were to apply pressure to both sides such as you suggested. The Israeli's and Palestinian's could benefit greatly from each other and a real peace accord.
The Israeli's and the Palestinian people have so much to offer each other and could do so much for their people and for that whole region. The possibilities are mind boggling if they could just get the chaff out of the way.

What will happen, jj? That is the question, "What will happen?"? Perhaps an economic powerhouse in the Middle East, an oasis in the midst of an arid region, Palestinian and Israeli children attending the same schools and playing in the same school yards? Israeli and Palestinian businessmen making profitable deals that increase the number of jobs for both sides?
Increased imports, exports, and growing prosperity for both the Palestinian and Israeli people?

That is the question, what will happen? I like the way you think jj; thank you.

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