In a move that should surprise nobody, it appears the GOP are trying to make sure Ralph Nader remains a thorn in the side for Gore Kerry in this year's election, and the Democrats ain't happy:
Michigan Democratic executive chairman Mark Brewer said he thinks the state GOP exceeded a state political party campaign limit of $5,000 in helping Nader get on the ballot.
"The staff costs and administrative expenses incurred by the Michigan GOP in spending several weeks collecting 43,000 signatures for Nader clearly exceed that limit," Brewer said in a release.
"Unless Nader withdraws his attempt to qualify as an independent candidate and disavows those GOP signatures, we will file complaints against him and the Michigan GOP with the Federal Election Commission," he said.
Nader spokesman Kevin Zeese dismissed the Democratic Party's claims.
"The Republican Party made no contribution to us. They didn't coordinate this with us. It's an independent expenditure. So I don't know what the Democrats are talking about," he said.
Zeese added that no decision has been made on whether Nader will accept the GOP signatures, which made up the bulk of the 50,000 signatures turned into the Bureau of Elections by Thursday's deadline.
A bizarre turn of events, to be sure.
Ralphie, baby, if you screw this election for Kerry I sure hope you've picked a nice holiday home in some nice, non-extradition-treaty country somewhere.
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