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October 12, 2004



Hmmm....most Americans who are in Paris are Democrats. Isn't this sort of like the late breaking news than most people who go to McDonalds like french fries?

Democrats solution to solving marraige problems: Go down the street telling all your neighbors that you spouse is a total idiot who abuses you. Then if you ever do try to work things our with him/her you're shocked to find that all of your neighors still think s/he's a jerk. Enjoy the America (oh I mean Bush administration) bashing parties in Pari.


Don't you mean freedom fries?




Here we go again. Apparently, people abroad are incapable of having an informed opinion of their own. It's only cos us America-hating expats slag off our country that they're critical of the Bush administration.

Jim, your analogy's bollocks and you know it. What's more accurate is to say that the Republican way of dealing with the situation where your best friend's in abusive, demeaning relationship, is to keep telling him/her that their lying, scumbag spouse is fantastic and they mustn't leave them.

You've no idea how much I've bigged up my home country over the years, and still do. As for the common misconception abroad that Americans are all mindless slavish Bush devotees who can't see what's obvious to 99% of the rest of the world, I leave that up to you on November 2nd.

Y'know, equating the Leader = the country is kinda old-fashioned. The French got rid of the guys who said "L'etat, c'est moi" a couple of centuries ago. Time you grew up too, n'est-ce pas?


See ya Nov. 2, Miriamg.

I'll be happy when Kerry is in Massachussets, Bush is in the White House, the world learns that history lasts more than 30 days, the Palestinians have a state, Iraq and Afghanistan have democracies, bin laden is caught or killed (if he isn't already) and the Lions win the Super Bowl. The last one is probably the least likely, but when the other come true it will be a good day.


If I'm not mistaken, Kerry is already in Massachusetts and Bush is already in the White House. How this relates to any of the other things in your list, I'm not sure, particularly the Palestinian state where Bush hasn't bothered to even lift a finger.


Actually Jim that would be The Bronco's win the
Super Bowl. :o)


Three years ago you might have heard from me. I'm an American living in Paris and was a registered Republican for 30 years, although I had a habit of voting independant. At about the time Bush was drumming up support for his war I changed my registration to Democrat. Probably about the same time this group was formed. I'm not a big fan of either party, but I am definitely ABB this time. I think Bush has tried to destroy everything America has stood for. Not that he'll get away with it but it may be years before America lives this down.

Yonatan Weiss

I'm soooooo thrilled Bush won. Perfect to put you wacko liberals in your place.


Amazing! Not clear for me, how offen you updating your expatsagainstbush.typepad.com.

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While Americans who go abroad to kill people vote Republican, Americans who go abroad to do just about anything else vote Democratic.

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Ahead of the US general elections in 2004, Slate magazine ran an article entitled Hunting for Republicans in Paris detailing how they encountered a similar phenomenon: Americans living abroad tend to vote Democrat. Indeed, a 2004 Zogby poll reportedly found that Americans with passports favoured Democratic candidate John Kerry over George W. Bush 58% to 35%.

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Three years ago you might have heard from me. I'm an American living in Paris and was a registered Republican for 30 years, although I had a habit of voting independant.


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