I can't help thinking this Bin Laden tape is extremely bad news for John Kerry.
The way he invokes Kerry's name as if they're on the same side... That's not good. And remember the studies about the correlation between the terror alerts and Bush's approval rating (there is always a boost 3 to 4 days later)? Well this seems to me to be a similar animal. It refocuses people's mind on an imminent terrorist threat, after all.
And despite seeming to condemn Bush, Bin Laden knows that this tape is more likely to help his reelection efforts - which is a good thing, at least for Bin Laden. Four more years of arrogant crusading by Bush can only swell the ranks of al Qaeda's membership. Iraq is already a huge recruitment poster; what else can be done given another term? And this faux-victimisation, invoking Beirut and the Palestinian issues as justification for 9/11, is so disingenuous as to not merit further discussion.
I don't know; I am truly worried by this latest turn of events. Damn Bin Laden, damn him again. Would someone please shut him up for good?
Then again, Josh Marshall suggests we should all slap each other back to our senses and keep the side up. Well, alllllright.
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