Oh dear, oh dear. Anyone looking for evidence of Bush softening up his policies now that he doesn't have to face reelection will not have much ammunition to play with now that Bush has replaced the troublemaking Colin Powell with the loyal footsoldier Condi Rice. Assuming Rumsfeld stays on, the entire administration will now be in lock-step, personally tied into Bush, and, more ominously, into Dick Cheney.
Is it just me or does anyone else not place too much stock in Condi's diplomatic skills? She has one part of it downpat - lying through one's teeth - but it's the charm and nuance aspects that may elude her. Presidential staff? Sure. Stateswoman? Hmmm.
When I heard Condi was the choice... I smiled - mostly due to the gnawing effect it would have on the expatsforbillary crowd!
Mark my words - its happening - billary has just started to include 'Jesus' in her rhetoric!
Gotta love it! And you know who called his a year ago folks...
Any bets? It such a sure bet - I'll bet dollars to donuts!
Posted by: delal | November 17, 2004 at 02:47 PM
What an awesome choice.!!
Posted by: Jim | November 17, 2004 at 03:30 PM
I imagine they will groom her for a Pres or VP campaign. Makes sense, I would if I were the Bush camp.
About diplomacy, none of those high ranking Cabinet members of the Bush team have any. I think they prefer it that way.
Although I disagree with her on virtually everything she stands for I can think of far worse choices than Condoleeza Rice. At least she is smart and disciplined and worked her butt off to get there.
And Del, please calm down, we all know Hillary Clinton is going to make a bid for the White House in 2008. Everybody's known this for ages -- why you keep acting like it's a scandal and a secret is beyond me.
Posted by: Maryann | November 17, 2004 at 03:36 PM
Yes, Hillary is all lined up to go for it in 2008.
Which ain't gonna go down too well in the Red States. Not because she's female. Because she's Hillary. Here's hoping we Dems can field a candidate that has a better chance of gaining back some of our Red brethren rather than alienating them further.
Posted by: Luke | November 17, 2004 at 04:11 PM
Personally I think she will be a great Sec. of State. But we'll see what happens.
I think this will be her last and best post. She will not run for the highest office (though I was secretly hoping Dick would fake a heart attack and Condi would run as VP). I think her biggest obstacle to getting elected would not be her race or gender, but the fact that she has never been married. I think people like to see someone with their spouse on the stump. I don't have a problem with it, but I think especially a lot of older married people would.
We shall see.
Look for the Dems to push for Evan Bayh in '08 in a race which will be wide open.
Posted by: Jim | November 17, 2004 at 04:48 PM
Selecting Condi sends the right message... President Bush is serious about his vision. This is a good thing!
And Maryann... the 'clintonistas' had this planned all along!
Key sign coming up... the next DNC head!
Wanna bet it's a 'clintonista' choice?
Posted by: delal | November 17, 2004 at 06:40 PM
Why liberals can be racist and nobody says anything.
It's sick.
Posted by: Jim | November 17, 2004 at 07:04 PM
Yep Jim it is...
It's understood - a liberal will back a minority pick as long as it's their type of minority.
Pres Bush is helping build a trusting relationship with minorities. Look at his cabinet... Look at his appointments...
His leadership is building our Republican base - check out the increase of Hispanic voters for Pres Bush. As a minority myself - I know this is happening and in a big way!
Republicans will continue to chip away at the Democratic base and the dems/libs are not doing anything to reverse this trend because they have nothing to offer. And they don't want to believe it...
I wonder how many more elections - how many more seats they will allow to slip away before they realize they need to come more in line with the majority of Americans.
We have a good system - majority rules!
Posted by: delal | November 17, 2004 at 07:22 PM
What are "Clintonistas" and what did they have to do with Condoleeza Rice's new job? I'm intrigued.
Posted by: | November 17, 2004 at 07:43 PM
Exactly Delal,
Bush has a diverse cabinet and yet he's not running for any new offices again. hmmmmm. He's not doing something crazy like hiring the best people for the job, is he?
We need more quotas and pandering. This won't do.
Posted by: Jim | November 17, 2004 at 07:58 PM
Definition of a 'Clintonista'...
A cross bred 'carpetbagger' beast - consisting of both male & female attributes - that stashes cigars in places other than a humidor - who enjoys drinking 'whitewater' while known to fancy staining blue dresses and occasionally leaves dead bodies in parks...
As far as it relating to Condi... you're right - I just can't help myself... hehehe...
Posted by: delal | November 17, 2004 at 08:10 PM
Luke, When are you going to send all these people back to the place they belong, like http://www.freerepublic.com/home.htm. They aren't expats and they aren't against bush. They have annoyed most of us so much we don't bother. There's other places they belong too but that's beside the point.
Posted by: | November 17, 2004 at 09:53 PM
Oh come on Chrish, the maturity police have to come in and comment on that "answer" from Del. Let's not be biased, shall we?
Where are all the lectures on "hate" now?
Posted by: | November 17, 2004 at 09:53 PM
I know you can't resist your comments and they are kind of funny, so I won't ask you to stop.
But I am curious about 1 thing:
Since you take pride in keeping down us "dem'libs", are you advocating a 1 party system in America (like it is up here in Canada; 1 party has complete control and probably will for another 20 years)
You act like the dems will just self destruct and that would suit you just fine. Apparently, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other prominent minorities have not run to switch parties so I'm not sure that every one of you thinks the GOP having total domination of the world is the answer to all your problems.
As for Condi, I agree that at least she is educated. But if she had her head any furher up Bush's ass, she could see his dinner from last night digesting in his intestines.
Posted by: rodi | November 17, 2004 at 09:54 PM
As far as Rice goes, she is an Cold Warrior who never woke up to the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed under its' own weight and that Reagan and the muhajadin had nothing to do with it. She has shown no understanding of any other part of the world either. She will be a disaster at S of St, more of a doormat for Rumsfield and Cheany than Powell was.
Posted by: | November 17, 2004 at 09:58 PM
Haha! Too true about Condoleeza Rice, Rodi. I am of the generation that, unfortunately, has seen so few women in power that I'm willing to overlook some of their shortcomings just so we can start getting more in there. Eventually we'll have a better crop to pick from, but for now -- as un PC as this is -- I feel compelled to support women stepping into these roles whether I love them or not. God knows I don't love any of the male leaders we have to choose from, so I don't feel too badly about my genderist support!
And I do have respect for somebody that overcomes as many obstacles as one would have to in her position to get that powerful. Let's just hope one day women won't have to give up their entire lives and graft their whole identity onto a powerful man to get to the same levels of power.
Posted by: Maryann | November 17, 2004 at 10:03 PM
Ahh... rodi... buddy...
No I don't advocate a 'one party' system - what I advocate is an opposing party that makes sense...
Your remark about prominent minorities like Sharpton and Jackson - oh boy - May Providence help the dems if that's the type of minority they think will help the party (BTW perish the thought of either one of them switching parties)!
And as for Condi - could it be possible that she genuinely believes in the Bush doctrine?
Naw... she could not possibly... could she?
Posted by: delal | November 17, 2004 at 10:47 PM
Here I am asked - what is a 'clintonista' and I follow-up with a definition and I get accused of 'hate' speech...
A little levity please...
You dems/libs are way too uptight!
And here I thought we were...
I do love this site!
Posted by: delal | November 17, 2004 at 11:01 PM
I love this site too because I think there are an equal # of supporters on both sides and we get to bash each other while still exhibiting enough civility to debate intelligently (well, usually, anyway)
The funny part about Sharpton is how I remember growing up in Brooklyn (circa 1970's) and always seeing him on the news. I remember him having such a big mouth, preaching how the whole world is anti-black and on and on. At least he's toned down a bit. I always enjoyed his commentary on Dennis Miller, who of course is as pro-bush as they come.
Once again, I ask you for some suggestions as to what type of minority leadership could be a positive role model in today's urban environment for the Dems ??
Maybe Jennifer Lopez could revup us anti-Bushers? But then again, she'd probably wind up flashing one of her breasts during a Super Bowl speech.
I can understand how you think it's a good thing for Condi to attain such a high position of authority . What's funny to me is how much Omorosa from the first season of Apprentice reminded me of a Condaleeza-wannabe. Good thing the GOP is too moral for any sexual escapades, eh?
I'll give her the benefit of the doubt but I agree with the others that cited how she will be an even bigger pawn in Cheney's punching bag. At least the world respected Powell's moderate views and regard for multilateralism. Well, now there's absolutely no need to waste money sending the Sec of St. abroad to lobby for the world's cooperation. Every world leader already knows where she stands (wherever POTUS tells her to)
Posted by: rodi | November 17, 2004 at 11:28 PM
Wanna hear the Delals of this site laugh out loud and preach how pathetic all the
"dem/libs" are?
Try this link from today's SFGate.com
It's an article about "Sorryameroca.com"
that's a blast. 50 million hits already. 5000 pictures from average Joes apologizing to the world for Bush. And 1000 waiting to be uploaded from the rest of the world accepting our apologies.
Posted by: rodi | November 17, 2004 at 11:47 PM
"Oh come on Chrish, the maturity police have to come in and comment on that "answer" from Del. Let's not be biased, shall we?
Where are all the lectures on "hate" now?"
Don't know what you're talking about {no name}, wasn't I.
Posted by: Chrish | November 18, 2004 at 12:28 AM
I agree completely with you Maryann, well
stated but, it's more than a hope. It will
be a fact of life:
"And I do have respect for somebody that overcomes as many obstacles as one would have to in her position to get that powerful. Let's just hope one day women won't have to give up their entire lives and graft their whole identity onto a powerful man to get to the same levels of power."
Rodi in regards to your question "what type of minority leadership could be a positive role model in today's urban environment for the Dems ?? How about Barak Obama to name
one? A minority leader (Senator now), first
generation son of immigrants, educated, intelligent, and a sense of humility. Add
to that he also doesn't appear to have fallen for that "xxxxxxxxx-American" (replace the "x" with your own racial preference), nonsense and sees all of us as
just Americans. Hope he's able to withstand
the wolves (politicians) in Washington.
Posted by: Chrish | November 18, 2004 at 12:49 AM
I always love these quotes from people like anonymous: "Luke, When are you going to send all these people back to the place they belong, like http://www.freerepublic.com/home.htm. They aren't expats and they aren't against bush. They have annoyed most of us so much we don't bother. There's other places they belong too but that's beside the point." And Democrats are always the ones who are crying about censorship and having freedoms taken away. I guess it only applies when it's convenient.
Condi like Omorosa? Uh ok. Please explain the similarities. One everyone hated for things she actually did, acting like a whiney baby, accused people of calling her names they didn't. The other you just hate because of who she works for. Please tell me how you think they are similar.
Posted by: Jim | November 18, 2004 at 01:03 AM
Powell is an idiot if he thinks we're going to fall for this crap again.
Posted by: | November 18, 2004 at 04:17 PM
The thing about that comment from the anonymous poster is, Jim, it really IS a little baffling why you guys are on here all the time. I can think of about three million things I'd rather do than trawl around web sites set up by and for (for example) "People Named Sue Who Love Iguanas" -- it's about as rational as your wanting to be here. And, more to the point, I definitely wouldn't spend all my time on those sites trashing the beliefs of the people on it (or their love of iguanas, as the case may be).
If you are here to try to change anybody's mind about Bush, I can safely say none of you have even got to first base. If you are here to insult and bully people you've never met because you have some kind of unresolved inner anger or something, may I politely suggest your mother should have raised you better, and extend my most humble invitation to piss off?
I assure you this is much better treatment than any of us consistently trawling around the site of someone like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh would be subjected to, so either return the respect you're shown here or be prepared to be repeatedly told to shove it.
Posted by: Maryann | November 18, 2004 at 04:31 PM