You may or may not have seen it, but in case you or your relatives back home want to make sure you support companies that support your party, check out's Christmas shopping guide. It goes without saying, of course, that this site is just as handy for our Republican readers wishing to shore up their Red companies....
Makes me want to put on my Sketchers, hop into my car, stop 1/2 mile down the road at the Shell station and run across the street for a quick Gingerbread Latte at Starbucks. Head to the cosmetics counter at Nordstroms and purchase some hot new perfume from one of the many Estee Lauder Companies while eyeballing that new sweater at J Crew. Have a burger and a Guinness at The Hard Rock for lunch, browse a besteller at Barnes & Noble, go home and unwind with a flick form Netflix, wash my face with soap from Bed Bath & Beyond, boogie to the airport and hop on Alaska Airlines to the Gallo winery in Napa, grab a portable DVD player At Circuit City for the connecting flight to Maui on Aloha, hop off and take a vacation from shopping at the Hyatt.
Posted by: rodi | December 16, 2004 at 08:13 PM
It is too bad that you anti-gun, pro-welfare baby killers don't "Move On." Get over it, we won, you lost. We put up with Slick Willie, and his adultery, lying, and suspicious suicide for eight years. We got over it. You want free elections as long as they go your way. Maybe if you weren't planning on running Hillary in 2008, you would have ran a candidate with half a chance of winning.
Posted by: Scott | December 21, 2004 at 03:02 PM
I looked at the list. Looks to me like it is primarily made up of businesses who make their money off of the homosexual and pot smoking community. Heck of a group you belong to there.
Posted by: Scott | December 21, 2004 at 03:17 PM
Hmmm... looks like you're the one who needs to get over it. Otherwise, you wouldn't think that adultery is worse than tens of thousands of people who are dead and possibly tens of thousands more to come? And for what? Oh yeah, to protect us from people who couldn't hurt us.
Posted by: | December 21, 2004 at 04:48 PM
"The homosexual and pot-smoking community."
(*wipes foam from mouth and spittle from computer screen*)
LOL! It's got to be a parody.
Posted by: | December 21, 2004 at 05:28 PM
Wow, Scott, wow! Thank you for the nice reminder of why I stopped hanging out with "conservatives."
Now excuse me while I smoke some dope and then go ass-rape my neigbors dog.
Posted by: jj | December 21, 2004 at 06:06 PM
Whatever trips your trigger. Wait, let me get this straight, all gays practice bestiality? Is that what you are saying? Are you stereotyping gay men? I suppose you think they all want to rape little boys too? The conservatives probably told you to get lost for being too narrow-minded. In your opinion, does NAMBLA deserve protection from the ACLU and the Constitution? It is time you respect the office of the President of the United States. Who were you blaming on 9-11, or have you forgotten that day.
Posted by: Scott | December 22, 2004 at 04:24 AM
Let me set the record straight. I wish we were not at war either. I have cousins, a good friend, and an employee there now, and I worry about them constantly. But trashing the president like you have been is not the way to stop the killing. A strong united front is the way to get it over. If we pull out now, the terrorist will just kill more people. It will not stop until we set up the overwhelming majority of Iraqis who want us there with a government elected by them with the power to protect themselves. President Bush is a good man with good intentions, and I am proud to have him as our (yours and mine) president.
Posted by: Scott | December 22, 2004 at 04:32 AM
So lets see Scott, what evidence or facts do you have to back up your claims? Anything? Got any reasons why those of us who believe differently should suddenly agree with any of your assertions? Do you know President Bush personally? Are you an expert in terrorism or intelligence? Did you interview the overwhelming majority of Iraqis who want us there? I thought not. Maybe you'd be surprised to learn that the Vietnamese didn't want us there either.
Respect is earned not by the office one holds, but by his actions. Or should we have respected the office of the former President of Iraq? You're in the minority. Nearly half of all Americans don't respect Bush enough to vote for him. Worldwide, that respect is much, much lower. What's shocking is that people like you still think he's a good man after he's been proven to be a liar time and time again.
What did he tell us about WMD? How about the costs of the war? What kind of shape is our deficit in? How many people have died because of his decisions? Who invited Ahmad Chalabi to sit next to his wife at the State of the Union and was then forced to raid his office for being an Iranian spy? Who hired goddamn Donald Rumsfeld who obviously doesn't support our troops? Who ordered the disbanding of the Iraqi army? Who told us that the war would cost only $50 billion? Who couldn't figure out that Bernie Kerik had been arrested before nominating him?
If that's your definition of a good person, I'd really be afraid of who you think is bad. You're right that we need to be united. Didn't someone promise to do that at the beginning of his term? Of course, it would be a lot easier to unite behind someone who was competent (and didn't fail to guard the biggest explosives site in Iraq) and someone who was truthful. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury.
Posted by: Jeff | December 22, 2004 at 10:01 AM
since you are such a patriot, here you go:
I hear there is a real manpower shortage. They wouldn't take me - they'd kick me out for trying to buttfuck the next available private.
Posted by: jj | December 22, 2004 at 04:19 PM
way to go, man. You put Scott in his place even before I had a chance to respond to his posts. Maybe Scott is really delal in disguise.
Hey Scott:
>I wish we were not at war either.
Obviously not or you'd voice an opinion that doesn’t' support Bush just because you think he's a "good man" (what a simpleton statement)
>I have cousins, a good friend, and an employee there now, and I worry about them constantly.
Since the statistical odds of them dying real soon increases every minute, let's see how you feel when you get a form letter from Rumsfeld thanking you for sending your relative to a meaningless death.
>It will not stop until we set up the overwhelming majority of Iraqis who want us there with a government elected by them with the power to protect themselves.
Holy shit are you dense; In case you missed my other post, here's a quote from today's paper from the Associated Press. They are interviewing 2 different Iraqis. Like all you Bush-denymongers, you refuse to accept that there REAL majority of Iraq feels like these quotes:
1)"When occupiers come to any country (they) find resistance. And this is within Iraqi resistance," Sattar Jabbar said of the attack.
2)"I prefer that American troops leave the country and go out of cities so that Iraq will be safer and we run its affairs," Jamal Mahmoud, a trade union official. "I wish that 2,000 U.S. soldiers were killed, not 20."
>If we pull out now, the terrorist will just kill more people.
Who gives a shit if they kill each other? That happens in Sudan, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, India , The Congo, The Philippines and various other places all over the world. It is sad, but NOT AMERICA'S PLACE to go in and play superpolice just so Haliburton can get more contracts. Bush is SO FULL OF SHIT when he claims that "a free Iraq is a safer America".
>Who were you blaming on 9-11, or have you forgotten that day.
After visiting Florida and seeing for myself why Bush won, I blame people like you that insist on making every single day the day after September 11th, forever and ever and ever. The people most affected by 9/11 (NY and NJ) showed that they got over it by not voting for a guy using patriotism to keep ignorant Americans confused about the facts. Remembering 9/11 means a once a year memorial. Preventing it again means getting the fuck out of a country that doesn't want you there and paying attention to America's own needs first. Like feeding Americans. Or importing drugs from Canada at a reasonable cost. And creating jobs instead of attending environmental conferences and telling every world leader that America doesn't support Kyoto and tough shit if they don't like it. Maybe even reversing a tax cut that puts more money in the pockets of the 1% of Americans that actually benefit from it.
>looked at the list. Looks to me like it is primarily made up of businesses who make their money off of the homosexual and pot smoking community.
I'd go on arguing, but this idiotic statement speaks for itself as much as Bush's actions. You are just another sorry example of an ultra right-wing, anti-gay, sexist racist that wants women in the kitchen, gays to go to Hell and votes for a President because you think he's a "good man." Do you slap your wife around like Jonathan on "The Amazing race?"
You can just stay in your little red state while California, New York, Chicago and the Northeast go on with life. A diverse life that tolerates ALL Americans, including "pot smokers and homosexuals."
God, you're worse than Delal. At least he lived in The Bronx
Posted by: rodi | December 22, 2004 at 08:10 PM
goddam republicans can't even speak English. Just read their moronic posted messages. I rest my case. We ought to divide this country down the middle: blue left red right of the Mississippi. In ten years the red side will have a busted economy and a sitting duck for terrorists and the blue side will have thriving economy, will have formed an alliance with the European Union to finally get rid of the right wing once and for all by nuking them to hell where they belong.
Posted by: sydney tucker | January 23, 2005 at 09:06 PM
kill the fucking conservatives!!!
Posted by: | January 23, 2005 at 09:13 PM
"goddam republicans can't even speak English."
-Sydney Tucker
Notice the irony in the above sentence all by itself.
Posted by: Jim | January 23, 2005 at 09:19 PM
The red states could not not survive economically without the blue would take about ten months (if that) as opposed to ten years to see the "busted economy" you speak of, Rodi.
Sadly, too many otherwise sensible blue-state Americans cling to jingoistic notions of "The Union" to see the sense in just cutting the red states loose. Hell, let them have their creepy church-nation; we've babysat them and paid their bills for far too long.
Posted by: Ken | August 24, 2006 at 04:49 AM